NuCoMP Facilities and Resources
The NuCoMP group office is in room number 5319 of the Jonsson Engineering Center (JEC) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The NuCoMP group owns several computer clusters located in the JEC computer server room and meanwhile has access to other RPI computing resources. The computer clusters are utilized to run advanced simulations.
While NuCoMP is first and foremost a computational group, that hasn't prevented its group members from engaging in experiments and operations at RPI's Walthousen Reactor Criticial Facility (RCF). With Dr. Ji as the RCF Facility Director, NuCoMP is always thinking of creative ways to incorporate the zero-power reactor into simulations and multi-physics studies.
NuCoMP Computing Resources
NEAMS Cluster
Antal Cluster
RPI University Clusters
Blade Cluster
Blue Gene/Q (AMOS) (status)